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Ống cao su dẫn khí / nước - 300PSI


Mô tả sản phẩm

 Adapta Flex™ Red
(Specification 3204E, 3204S)

 Air and Multi-Purpose Hose

RECOMMENDED FOR: Air and water applications requiring maximum flexibility in any industry, including mining, construction,

agriculture, vehicle repair and in-plant operations. Outstanding resistance to heat and ozone. Suitable for
light agricultural spraying, such as dilute solutions of herbicides.
TEMPERATURE: -40°F to +200°F (-40°C to +93°C) continuous service.
CONSTRUCTION: Tube: Type P (EPDM). Black.
Reinforcement: Synthetic, high tensile textile cord.
Cover: Type P (EPDM). Red. All sizes through 1/2" are perforated.
Design Factor: 3:1
COUPLINGS: 19 (up through 1/2" only), 1, 3 or 4, (up through 1/2" with 20 brass ferrules, up through 1" with bands),
72 Gates Power Crimp® or 75 Gates GLX®. Reference the Hose Coupling Section.
PACKAGING: Exact length reels: 500' in one continuous length.
Minimum of 90% of hose reels will be 1-piece lengths.
1/4" through 3/4": Packaged in 500' to 700' reels. Maximum 2 pieces in 50' increments.
3/8" x 50' coupled assemblies: **BP - Bulk Pack, 54 assemblies per pallet carton.
3/8" x 50' coupled assemblies: Coiled in a carton, 5 assemblies per carton.
5/8" x 50': Packaged 250' per carton, each length coiled and tied.
3/4" x 50': Packaged 200' per carton, each length coiled and tied.
1": Packaged in 300' to 400' reels. Maximum 2 pieces in 50' increments.
BRANDING: Continuous ink brand. Example: “GATES® ADAPTA FLEXMULTI-PURPOSE 3/8 INCH (9.5mm)
250 PSI (1.72MPa) WP MADE IN USA”
SPECIAL ORDER REQUIREMENTS:Special production runs require minimum order quantities of 25,000 feet per size.
STANDARDS: Tube: ARPM (Class C) Limited oil resistance.

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