Flexible hose for fire protection in offshore applications
Standards: EN ISO 15540:99, fire resistance at 800°C for 30’. DNV-GL
Type Approval certificate P-14987.
Application: flexible hoses designed to be used in the offshore fire
fighting and marine application. - PATENT PENDING -
Temperature: from -30°C (-22°F) to +70°C (+158°F).
Tube: black, smooth, synthetic rubber compound.
Reinforcement: inserts of steel wire and fire resistant material.
Cover: black, smooth (wrapped finish) synthetic rubber, resistant to
abrasion, ozone, weathering and marine environment.
Branding: red stripe “IVG Offshore (family logo) SPLITFIRE EN ISO
15540:99, DNV type Approval Nr P-14987”.
Also available upon request: 1. Different diameters.