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slide cac san pham khac slide ong thep tl # Ống IVG hàn gió đá GAS HANDLING Slide Flange Connection silde ong, khop cong nghiep Slide ong, khop thuy luc
Số lượt truy cập 1039843
Số người đang xem 16

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Khớp nối thủy lực

Model:   BSPT

Tài liệu kỹ thuật: Khớp nối thủy lực Khớp nối thủy lực

Mô tả sản phẩm

 British Standard Pipe Tapered (BSPT)

The BSPT (tapered) male will mate with a BSPT

(tapered) female, or a BSPOR (parallel) female.
The BSPT male has tapered threads. When mating
with either the BSPT (tapered) female or the BSPOR
(parallel) female port, the seal is made on the threads.
The BSPT connector is similar to, but not
interchangeable with, the NPTF connector. The
thread pitch is different in most cases, and the
thread angle is 55° instead of the 60° angle found
on NPTF threads.


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